Regional Focus

Mokhus is active on the East Coast from its headquarters office in New York City. We will also work in any other market where we see opportunities, and we identify specific locations across the U.S. for our deal focus. These areas are selected based on our current transaction criteria, strength of our operating partners and investment base in the region, and our relationships with local governments and services firms. The following is selection of areas where Mokhus is most interested pursuing transactions. We will select representatives or a regional executive for our most active markets when we have active deals which require local oversight.:

East Coast

Focus: New York City, Connecticut, New Jersey, Boston, Providence, Philadelphia, Washington, DC

West Coast

Focus: Los Angeles, Palm Springs Desert Area, Orange County, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington


Focus: Colorado, Texas, Arizona, Las Vegas
Vice President, Southwest


Focus: Georgia, The Carolinas, Florida


Focus: Chicago, Michigan, Cleveland, Cincinatti





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