
Some organizations supported by Mokhus with links to their websites

Mokhus CEO serves on the Board of Directors of Seeds of Peace. This group makes a lasting difference to the world by opening channels of communication for young people from conflict areas to reduce hatred and violence, promoting peace for future generations. Seeds of Peace

We are active members of the Urban Land Institute (ULI), and feel that this group, above the majority of real estate groups, fits the Mokhus philosophy of teamwork, sharing of ideas and pursuit of excellence. ULI

Working at the Business Council for International Understanding (BCIU) in our formative years, we interfaced with the Department of State, White House and foreign government leaders to promote U.S. business in international markets. BCIU is invaluable for anyone seeking to do business overseas. Working in emerging markets with BCIU is like investing in distressed real estate or development deals with Mokhus. You need a smart, knowledgeable firm to help you unlock the value and maximize the investment. BCIU

These are links to companies we feel are unique or share our vision

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